Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Conclusion for research on Music Videos

From my research on Music videos I have learnt a lot of information on how to create an interesting video. When I was doing my research I ddi not have my idea on what I wanted to do fully developed and so I researched a wide range of music video genres and style to help me get a better understanding and concept of what I want to do. All the videos that I researched all in some shape or form related to the music and connected with the music on a certain level. I therefore will need to think how I can incorporate certain music into my video so that it works well and connects with what the audience is expecting from that kind of video. Furthermore, this connection with the music seems to be mostly done by using the Mise en Scene to your benefit. For example Michael Jacksons 'Billie Jean' does this brilliantly by creating a dark street corner to go with the dark beats and mysterious lyrics, all to create a brilliant video. In addition to this, a lot of music videos do almost turn into a short film with how they try to tell a short story. I like this idea that a story cane made through the use of images and music alone and so I may integrate this idea into my own music video.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Conclusion for Digi-Pack research

I have now finished all of my research into Digi-packs and so I will summerise here what I have learnt.

The typography used for all of the Digi-Packs is used very effectively as this is a key part of how the audience will view the product as a whole. The text is usually enlarged to some extent and is very dominant within the whole picture and so I will want to make sure that mine is large and relates well to the project as well so that I meet the codes and conventions of real media products. In addition to this, the colour scheme on each of the Digi-Packs that i have looked at are always designed to go well with the genre of music that it is in. I believe this has been done to familiarise the audience with what they are going to expect and so I will want to ensure that the colours that I choose to use on my Digi-Pack also correspond to the genre of music that is used within my music video so that I have combined both my ancillary and video texts to create a good solid overall product.

In addition to this, many of the Digi-Packs that I looked at also include large images within the framing of the Digi-Pack. I think that this gives a great effect on the overall text as it really grabs the audiences attention and intrigues people not listening to the album. This image usually creates the main tone of what the album represents and so I will need to make sure that when I am creating imagery for my Digi-Pack that I also represent the style of music that is themed around the text including the music video. Also, the spacing of the track lists are always clear and concise on the back of the Digi-pack. I will need to remember this for when I am creating my Digi-Packs as it will be crucial that it looks clear and concise so that the audience can understand the concept and themes that I am going for.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Self evaluation on work so far

We are now over 2 months into the course and so it is time to reflect on the work that I have done so far. Firstly, I would like to say that I have not worked to my full ability during the course and so has lead to me being behind in most of the coursework. I have done very minimal work in terms of planning my music video and so this has set back the time for which I can start shooting my music video. I have a vague idea of what I want to do and have created most of my storyboard which has yet to be posted on this blog. I initially created a mood board in the planning phase which helped me set goals for what I wanted to include in my video. This however has taken a downward spiral as I have now discovered that I do not really want to portray the ideas that were presented in my mood board. Furthermore, the research which is the first stage of the coursework is still yet to be fully completed. To start with I have done most of the analysis of Digi-packs and print-based album advertisements however I have not concluded what i have learnt from this nor have I analysed not nearly enough music videos. I know that this is very bad because it is a crucial part of the research process because when i have my video created i have nothing tops ay about how I used my research to portray my video. I have some posts based of secondary research such as the history of music video and also I have collected my primary research by doing a survey with multiple responses. I still need to post about how this research has helped me decide what my project will be and so this still needs to be completed. I still need to watch some more of previous student work to get a better judgement of what makes a good music video and how to get a good grade and what not to do as well. It's vital that I complete all of the research as soon as possible so that I an move onto getting the planning done and planning my shoot. For my planning I still need to create an animatic however I will need to complete my story board completely before this gets the go ahead. In terms of a script for the music video I am currently in the process of writing the lyrics for the song, which will include an overall story arc. I also need to do some more location scouting and prepare the props that will be required. I have also completed my mock up of a Digi-pack and so will need to blog this as soon as possible. I also need to post my verbal feed back that has been given to me by my teachers for example what they have said about when I need to have my scoreboard completed. Overall my time management has been terrible so far. :/

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Update on Planning

With the majority of my research now complete I will now be looking ahead to plan my music video. I have already completed a mood board and have conjured up some rough ideas for my music video. One of these ideas is that I would hold up signs in front of the camera while what is being talked about is being displayed in the background. I am currently working on a storyboard for this and will hope to have this done as soon as possible. If I still believe that this idea can work then I will go ahead with it. I also

"Include enough to keep it interesting, but not so much that your video is manic. Avoid storylines that need logical progression or resolution. Simply changing locations is an easy way to add visual variety. Mix up your shots: Include some wide shots, some medium shots, and some close-ups. If you can come up with an overarching concept, great. Just remember to keep it simple."

This from Peri Pakroo will be crucial for my planning because when I create my storyboard I need to understand the various shot types that I am going to need to create an entertaining music video and so will need to think about this while in the planning process. She also suggests to keep things rather simple and so I will try to do this and not over complicate things.