Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Previous students work

To get a full understanding of what is required to create a music video, I have looked at some previous students work that has dine very well within this brief and I can then learn from this brief what I need to do to ensure that my work receives a good grade.

I have looked at Callum Welsh's music video which is a great example of how directing a music video can be done. He takes the idea of a montage of clips of people on skateboards that this creates a real connection between the video and the music which is the main objective of the brief. Callum has also throughout his blog done improvements to his video and has a very well created DigiPack. 

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Choosing my Brief

Choosing my brief

I have decided to choose the Music Video and Digipack brief. This is because I want to try and branch out from the work that I did last year which was an opening to a thriller film. I want to branch out because creating a music video to me requires a lot more creativity and allows for more of my ideas to be used within the brief. Examples of this would be how I would fit the video with the song and learning and dealing with the conventions of specific music video genres and then using that to create something unique that I am proud of.

Also, I mainly chose this brief because it is the one that I would find the most fun to do and I feel like I would enjoy creating a music video more than the other briefs. Furthermore, I also have the skills required for this brief for example the Digipack should be created in photoshop which I have a lot of experience in considering I did Digital Art for two years. Lastly, I have a passion for music and the direction in which it goes in within music videos and so I would love to create something that I would enjoy while also challenging myself to the maximum.

Friday, 12 June 2015

A look at the briefs

The Briefs

Music Video

Producing a music video would be probably the most challenging of the three briefs. this is because the requirements can be very tricky egg . For example if I needed to film the band then I would need to find a location to see them and then film them accurately. this would provide very difficult challenge to get the footage in the first place. Furthermore, the music choices are very limited chicken because we cannot use any copyrighted music that we don't get permission for. This then leaves out many of the music that could be used and narrows the choices a lot. However, a music video could be a good project to choose because it can be a great challenge to overcome while it also lets your creativity to expand massively so that you can  create the video that you want to. This brief also requires you to create a Digi-pack which provides an even greater challenge as you need to further show your creative skills in programmes such as Photoshop. This is why I feel this brief could be very beneficial to me because I have the skills required such as using photoshop. Furthermore, I also find this brief a challenge and so I would like to set myself a challenge to push myself to the limit. 


Producing an advert could be a good brief to choose. This is because it requires your creative ability the same as the music video brief but while also being able to produce an advert while having the tools necessary if focussed enough. In this brief you are required to create a TV programme sponsorship sequence and a radio advertisement. The TV sponsorship would need to relate to the programme that it is sponsoring while the Radio advert would need to appear on a radio that would suite what it is advertising. This could provide the challenge of needing to brainstorm a lot of ideas to find the perfect  match for the advertisement and so a lot of research would need to be picked to choose this task. This task however if well thought out could prove to be a very good brief option to choose. 

Short Film

The last brief I can choose is a short film in its entirity. While creating this short film you will also need to produce a poster for the film and a film magazine review page featuring the film. This could be a good brief option to choose because it offers a lot of variety than the other briefs. For example we are able to choose any genre that we want to do so that we choose one that suits us. Furthermore, we had experience last year by creating the opening to a film and could use that experience within this brief. However, the challenges faced by this brief may be that you would need to really start working quickly to meet the deadline because it is a lot of footage to film because the short film must be about five minutes long. this still could be a viable option to choose out of the three briefs. 

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Final Cut from AS level

Final Cut from AS level

This is the final cut from the video that we created in groups for our A2 media project. It was to create a two minute opening to a thriller film. I hope to improve from this video in this year of my media course.

Here is also a link to the rest of my AS blog:
