Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Choosing my Brief

Choosing my brief

I have decided to choose the Music Video and Digipack brief. This is because I want to try and branch out from the work that I did last year which was an opening to a thriller film. I want to branch out because creating a music video to me requires a lot more creativity and allows for more of my ideas to be used within the brief. Examples of this would be how I would fit the video with the song and learning and dealing with the conventions of specific music video genres and then using that to create something unique that I am proud of.

Also, I mainly chose this brief because it is the one that I would find the most fun to do and I feel like I would enjoy creating a music video more than the other briefs. Furthermore, I also have the skills required for this brief for example the Digipack should be created in photoshop which I have a lot of experience in considering I did Digital Art for two years. Lastly, I have a passion for music and the direction in which it goes in within music videos and so I would love to create something that I would enjoy while also challenging myself to the maximum.

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