Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Questionare Survey (Primary research)

I have created a detailed survey which should give me good primary research to help me identify my target audience and what kind of video I should aim to make. This is vital research because if there was no audience for music videos then they would not be what they are today. This leads to the fact that most music videos these days aim to please a certain target audience and for propaganda purposes. Below are screenshots from the results of my survey. 

This helps me grasp the idea of what kind of audience is viewing my survey and so I know the audience that I should aim for. As you can see it is almost 50/50 and so gives me the option to aim at both audiences because both would be interested in viewing a music video for lots of different reasons that are further looked at in the survey.

This further helps me understand what kind of audience would view my video and gives me an idea as too what I should present within my video. The majority of the audience that responded is 17 and below and therefore this informs that I should try and present themes and ideas that this age demographic can relate to.

This is an interesting look at why people would watch a music video. It tells that people do enjoy watching music videos for entertainment rather than finding them uninteresting. This gives me the idea to create a music video that is interesting while also being very entertaining to people that like to watch music videos.

These results provide me with an idea of how I should be making my video and what people are looking for. This creates a challenge for me because a majority of the people selected that they watch a music video for the artist which in my case is not going to happen as I would not have famous people in my video. This will force me to possibly work within a genre that people appreciate and understand so that they would still like to watch it.

This is where I choose the genre that I work in. Clearly there are three genres that are most appealing to the audience. Pop, R&B and Rock offer a variety of different options that I could choose to work within because from my music video research I understand that different genres have different styles and so this gives me a lot to think about. Jazz/Country were not very popular choices however I could always choose to work within a niche market.

People feel very divided on this question. This might be because some people do not bother to relate to the lyrics and so music video directors tend to take a broader view on what they can portray instead of sticking to the lyrics of the song. However some music videos to relate to the song and I believe that this is the best way to go as it creates this kind of relatable atmosphere.

This question adds more depth to the previous one as it tells me what people would like to see specifically. A music video with a storyline appears to be the most popular choice and this may be because they can be a lot more interesting and relatable than the options available. Strong imagery can also be incorporated into a storyline based music video so I will need to think about what I would I should do. 

People seem to think that a music video definitely does not take away from a song and therefore can do no damage to a song. The division of neither and add may be because some videos do not have as much an impact on people as others do. This tells me that I should really try to add something important or emotional to my music video to ensure that it adds to the song to create something that sticks with people. 

This suggests to me that it seems to depend on whether the audience likes the video or not. From my Music video research all music videos today are still done very well and so are ones from the past so I would suggest that some music videos are made by very good directors. I just need to ensure that my video is made to the best of my ability.

I was expecting promotional purposes to be the majority myself because I fell like almost every popular song, no, in fact every popular song has a music video which adds to the fact that they are just trying to promote the artist. This tells me that I should not try and go for a popular music genre market as I do not have the popular artists available. I will therefore go for something that create visual imagery as this was also in high demand from the survey results. 

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